To be prepared for today’s teaching environment upon graduation, all Concordia University, Nebraska students in teacher education who graduate in May 2015 or later must have an iPad for use in Education 201 and higher, starting with the fall semester of 2014. Concordia strongly recommends that education students purchase a 32GB iPad Air with AppleCare+ to ensure the device can be used effectively for as long as possible.
All students, including non-education students, may purchase a 32GB iPad Air with AppleCare+ through Concordia using the form on this website. If purchased through Concordia a one-time fee of $680 (plus 7% sales tax) will be assessed to your Fall 2014 semester student bill. The Student Financial Services office is available to assist in any payment options you may need. Please contact them directly at 1-800-535-5494, ext. 7355 or Deadline to purchase an iPad Air with AppleCare+ through Concordia is July 15, 2014.
Education students also have the option of buying their own iPad through a retailer, as long as they ensure it meets these operating standards: 32GB of memory, iOS 7 operating system and 9.7 inch diagonal display. AppleCare+ is highly recommended.
By indicating through this form that a student wants to purchase an iPad through Concordia, the student agrees to pay all fees associated with this purchase, as set by Concordia University. The student also agrees to take possession of an iPad Air provided by the University at the beginning of the 2014-2015 academic year.